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The Grip Strength Test allows for the study of neuromuscular function by determining the maximum peak force developed by a rodent (rat or mouse) when the operator attempts to pull it out of a specially designed grid or bar, available for the fore and hind limbs. The Grip Test has been documented in numerous publications and is included in the Functional Observational Battery (FOB) for screening neurobehavioral toxicity. In this context, changes in peak values of grip strength in rodents (rats or mice) are interpreted as evidence of motor neurotoxicity. This strength assessment is widely used in conjunction with the ROTAROD motor coordination test, since a normally coordinated rodent will show a low score if its muscle strength is low. The current Grip Strength Test apparatus is the third version bof the instrument. The first version was developed in 1999, and the Grip Strength Test now has hundreds of users worldwide! Strength range suitable for mice and rats from 0 to 2500 grams Available tools: grid and bar (trapeze) for both rat and mouse.

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