
Scopri il potenziale illimitato della tua ricerca con i nostri strumenti all'avanguardia.

Contatti Via L. Da Vinci 2C - Besozzo (VA) +39 0332 773210 2biol@2biol.com

The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is a European law governing the management and protection of individuals’ personal data. To compile a GDPR compliance statement for a website, several aspects need to be considered. Below I provide a generic example of a GDPR compliance statement for a website:

**DGPR Compliance Statement for [2biol .com]**

**Who We Are:**

2Biological Instruments S.N.C.
via L. Da Vinci 2C
21023 Besozzo VA Italy
Phone +39 0332 773210
Fax +39 0332 970141
e-mail 2biol@2biol.com
PEC: 2biol@pec.2biol.com

web www.2biol.com

is committed to protecting the privacy and rights of our users in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

**Personal Data Collected:**
We collect and process only the personal data strictly necessary to provide our services. This data may include [list categories of data collected, e.g., name, email address, payment information, etc.].

**Purpose of Treatment:**
Personal data are processed for the following purposes:
– [ service delivery, user experience improvement, marketing, etc.].

**Legal Basis:**
The processing of personal data is based on one of the following legal bases:
– User consent.
– The execution of a contract.
– Fulfillment of legal obligations.
– Legitimate interests of the company.

**Users’ Rights:**
Users have the following rights in accordance with the GDPR:
– Access to one’s personal data.
– Correction of any inaccuracies in personal data.
– Deletion of one’s personal data (right to be forgotten).
– Limitation of processing under certain circumstances.
– Data portability.
– Objection to the processing of personal data.

**Security Measures:**
We have implemented appropriate security measures to protect personal data from unauthorized access and security breaches.

**Cookies and Similar Technologies:**
Our site uses cookies and similar technologies to improve user experience. For more information, see our Cookie Policy.

**Modifications to the Declaration:**
We reserve the right to make changes to this GDPR Compliance Statement. Any changes will be posted on this page.

For questions or requests regarding privacy and data protection, please contact us at [Inserisci l’indirizzo email o il modulo di contatto].

Date of last revision: [09/01/2024].