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The Fiber Photometry System R821 records changes in the fluorescence intensity of neurons in a given brain area to reflect the activity of the neuronal population. In the study of neural circuits, the fiber-optic photometry system can perform long-term and stable monitoring of neurons of free-moving animals, and explore the correlation between neural activity and animal behavior.

The fields of application in neuroscience are the most diverse (detection of Ca2+ and neurotransmitter signaling, study of the functioning of neural circuits and neurological diseases, etc.) and it is compatible with the dedicated optogenetics system(IOS-465), for stimulation and recording at the same site

Below are the main details:

  • Three different types of light sources (410nm, 470nm and 560nm), of which 410nm serves for reference excitation and background noise subtraction, while 470nm for fluorescence in green and 560nm for fluorescence in red
  • Supports up to 9 channels for simultaneous recording of signals from 9 different sites (different brain regions or different subjects)
  • The system consists of a high-sensitivity dual detector for independent and sequential detection of different wavelengths designed specifically to avoid interference between them and between excitation and fluorescence light.
  • The software supplied with the device provides the user with a user-friendly graphical interface that is already complete with powerful calculation and data processing tools that enable all analysis work to be done easily and safely without the need for additional software.
  • Supports many different acquisition methods (continuous acquisition, interval acquisition, triggered acquisition, delayed acquisition, etc.).
  • Real-time representation of ΔF/F for evaluation of signal variation during acquisition
  • Fully customizable I/O signals (triggers, inputs and outputs) for controlling external equipment
  • R821 Fiber Photometry System is compatible with the dedicated optogenetics system(IOS-465), for stimulation and registration at the same site