
Scopri il potenziale illimitato della tua ricerca con i nostri strumenti all'avanguardia.

Contatti Via L. Da Vinci 2C - Besozzo (VA) +39 0332 773210 2biol@2biol.com
Corporate History 2B

2biological Instruments (2B) was born in a basement of a building on De Gasperi Street in Besozzo (VA) back in 1997. Owners Luigi Bianchi and Roberto Binda come to establish their company after a long experience in a leading industry in Medical, Pharmacological and Pre-Clinical Research. After a two-year period of market assessment, 2B took on the connotations of the company it still is today and shortly thereafter moved to its new headquarters on L. da Vinci Street, also in Besozzo. The early 1990s are still those of preclinical research carried out with classical instruments (baths for isolated organs, polygraphs for ECG analysis, pressures, etc.) writing on ink or thermal paper. In the late 1990s, when 2B hit the market, computers were rapidly revolutionizing the world and disrupting the way research was done.

Challenge & Solution

To give an idea of the extent of the change, just think of the method for calculating the integral of a curve: in the old days, people used to cut out the waveform from polygraph paper (paper that obviously had to have very specific and known properties) and weighed it on a precision balance.

Our Process

Being a top us private facility for any kind of scientific research, we are proud of the overall amount of work we`ve done so far. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidat non dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum

When faced with a supply chain disruption, proactive and reactive supply chain risk management can in fact make or break a company's existence. One of the most famous (or rather infamous) cases is the fire at the Philips microchip plant in Albuquerque, New Mexico, in 2000, which simultaneously affected both Nokia and Ericsson. However, both companies took a very different approach toward the incident, and in hindsight.

Clearly displayed how to and how not to handle supply chain disruptions. New Mexico, in 2000, which simultaneously affected both Nokia and Ericsson